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Technical Audits

Technical Audit

It is the control of whether the work is done correctly.


It is not general but specific. It is done at different stages of a job and at frequencies to be determined depending on the characteristics of the job. It can be announced or unannounced. 

Technical Supervision;


  • projecting,

  • material selection,

  • production,

  • deployment,

  • don't surrender

covers activities in all phases. 

The main difference from system controls is that it is about what you do rather than how it is done. 


It is result oriented.

What need does technical audit meet?

Difficulties in supplying qualified personnel,  new construction applications that require complex and different technologies have brought along the problem that the desired quality level cannot be achieved.


When this situation is added to the situation such as not using the authorities appropriately for the job, the problem can reach very serious dimensions.

Technical inspections technical audits, which are carried out regularly at every stage of the work, provide early warning in the early stages of the problem and allow action to be taken before it is too late.


Technical audit results to management,It also gives information about whether the resources it has allocated are used in accordance with its purpose. 

Technical controls also have an educational function. 

Technical audit can be done on any subject.  However, before this work turns into an audit frenzy, first of all, the works to be audited are determined by considering the characteristics of the project and the resources used in the project.


Intense technical control, especially in the works that are done for the first time as a company and in the works that have had constant problems in the past cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_increases the success rate.


Compliance with design and contract requirements, selected material ve design harmony, foundation construction, concrete construction works, precast fabrication and erection, facade works, electrical and plumbing works, finishing works , tunnel construction, bridge construction, road construction etc. It may be the subject of technical audits .

Technical audit which subjects are done?

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