Muda:When Mura and Muri are eliminated, the order is clear in all transactions, material usage, errors, etc. Mudaya (Wast) comes.
Muri:When Mura disappears, Muri (overload) caused by Mura also disappears. Muri is not the source, for example creating a bottleneck due to a difficult operation high error rate, Muris are taken care of.
Mura:First of all, we have to make the system Murderless.
In other words, we need to correct the imbalances, irregularities and variability in the system. Unbalanced loads should be eliminated. Therefore, in terms of workload and unit production times processes are synchronized as much as possible.
MUDA, MURA, MURI are traditional Japanese terms. They are known as concepts in the 'waste' terminology of the Toyota Production System (TPS). Identifying and eliminating waste is the focus of Kaizen (Continuous Improvement) as it helps reduce costs. That's why it's so important to thoroughly understand these three Japanese terms.
muda:The literal meaning is completely useless or WASTE. Waste; activities that do not create value but consume resources or the results of these activities.
Mura:It means imbalance, disorder, inconsistency, variability. Unbalanced loading of resources from time to time and varying from source to source. ISRAF.
Muri:It means unreasonable, unreasonable, redundant loading. Overloading people and equipment causes slower work, in some cases congestion or bottlenecks, resulting in reduced production . ISRAF.
Because it means direct waste, Muda is often put in the first place . However, if we want to eliminate waste, the sequence should be as follows:
Right Order of MUDA, MURI, MURA
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Transport:Unnecessary movement, unloading, loading, displacement of materials/products.
Stock:Failure to carefully plan and control stocks causing large stocks, material/product deficiencies.
Movement: Excessive and unnecessary movements of people while doing business. It occurs due to the random placement of tools and materials in the work area.
Wait: Resource (san and/or equipment) idle time for information, material, people, or access.
Overproduction: Excessive and/or preproduction. Intermediate stocks occur due to incompatibility with the speed of other jobs.
Overprocessing: Excessive cost and time spent building a product beyond design requirements. For example, producing at a higher quality level than the required quality level, repeatedly checking the product, materials, etc.
Bugs-Fix: Not done right the first time, with good quality, additional time and cost work that requires rework, correction.
Misuse of Abilities and Skills: Not using people's expertise, knowledge and talents is a waste.
Waste;not creating valuebutresource consumingactivities or the results of those activities.
Errors that require correction, the production of items that no one wants and therefore increase stocks and unnecessary goods, the unnecessary processing steps, the aimless movement and transportation of employees and goods from one place to another, the waiting of the next activity without work due to the failure of the previous activity to be completed on time, and Goods and services that fail to meet customer needs are considered waste.
There are eight types of waste:
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