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What is Quality?

Definition of quality

Athingoffeatureof yours, mustlari karşılama degreeis thick.

What is the thing?

Well; is imaginable or perceptible and has a property of its own. The thing can be real or imaginary, material or spiritual. 


For example; products, services, systems, organizations, people, practices, procedures, processes, plans, ideas, documents, methods, tools, machines, technologies, techniques, resources, etc, everything in short.

What is the feature?

A quality that distinguishes something from similar or other things. A property can be assigned structural or, can be qualitative or quantitative.


There are several feature classes. For example: Physical (mechanical, electrical, chemical and biological); Sensory (related to smell, touch, taste, sight, and hearing ); Behavioral (for example, courtesy, honesty, integrity); temporal (punctuality, reliability, availability); Ergonomic (related to physiological characteristic or human safety); Functional (the maximum speed of an aircraft).

What is the condition?

A condition is a need, an expectation, or a necessity.  May be specified by the organization itself, its customers, or other interested parties or may be implied. A specified condition is a condition that is expressly stated by the parties involved, for example in a document. An implied requirement, on the other hand, is a common practice or traditional need, expectation, or necessity.

What is the interested party?

Pay attention to the customer's conditions, needs, expectations and legal requirements!

An interested party is anyone who can influence, be affected by, or is believed to be affected by a decision or action. An individual, group or organization that has an interest in the decision and action is an interested party.

What is a degree?

The quality of something is determined by comparing its  properties with conditions. If the features meet all the requirements, it means high or excellent quality. That is, the quality of something depends on how well its features meet the requirements.

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