Concrete Curing in Cold Weather Conditions
Concrete Curing Methods
The process of providing the required ambient conditions (humidity, temperature, etc.) for a sufficient period of time after the concrete has been placed so that the desired properties can develop is called “curing” (maintenance).
The importance of concrete curing increases in concrete works carried out in cold weather conditions. Providing the required ambient conditions such as humidity and temperature is both difficult and costly.
Developed methods have been successfully applied in this regard. The common purpose of the methods is to provide the heat energy required for the development of the desired properties of the concrete within a specified period of time.
The most common of the methods used are:
Thermos Method
Heating Methods
Heating with hot air
Heating with electricity
Using additives that increase frost resistance and/or set accelerating, hydration temperature
Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. When deciding on the method to be used, the existing conditions and the characteristics of the methods should be taken into account.