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Models in Projecting


Knowing the working environment, conditions and behaviors


Establishment of the Engineering Geology Model

Creation of the Geomechanical Model


Description of the technical structure
Modeling of usage expectations ve targets


Establishing the Design Model


Description of technical studies

Planning and scheduling the build process 


Establishment of the Construction and Manufacturing Model


Description of the operating process

 planning ve programming the operating process


Modeling the Operation and Maintenance Process

Vardar, 1982


Description of technical studies

Planning and scheduling the build process 


9. Construction Site Model

Site location selection


10. Excavation Model

Excavation, loading and transport works


11. Manufacturing Model

Establishment of the construction schemeexecuting scaffolding, formwork and manufacturing works without interruption, quality and quantity control


12. Building Management Model

Work, process and manufacturinglabor, energy, machinery, equipment, materials, time and costmanagement by factors


13. Building Control Model

Work, process and manufacturingsecurityand totalqualitycontrol and direction


Description of the operating process

 planning ve programming the operating process


14. Operating Model


15. Protection-Care-Attitude Model


Description of the technical structure
Modeling of usage expectations ve targets


5. Architectural Model

Build state, geometry, properties and attributes

Building design, dimensions, formal and spatial relationships, material selection Optimization of utility and taste, compatibility

Coordinates, elevations Pi (xi,yi,zi)


6. Static-dynamic Model

Construction of the carrier system

Selection of building type, sizing of construction-building elements, calculations, material and reinforcement projects, formwork and manufacturing projects

Reliability (No risk), economy (time and money), Application and quality optimization

Application sheets, Dimensions (width x length x height), shapes, sections, material information, coordinates, elevations Pi (xi,yi,zi)


7. Geotechnical Model

Building Foundation, excavations and fillings sizing

Optimization of precautions, processes and methods in excavation and construction phases, ensuring temporary and permanent stability, depending on the interaction of the engineering geology model and the building model

Dimensions, Coordinates, elevations Pi (xi,yi,zi)


8. Hardware Model

Type, location, features and qualities of Technical Equipment

Electricity, communication-signaling, air-conditioning-ventilation, heating, clean water-wastewater, rain and surface water control, flows, drainage, insulation (sound, heat, water)Main entry and exit points-connection requirements and conditions

Dimensions, formal and spatial relationships, machine-tool-equipment and material compatibility, durability, ease of operation and maintenance, service assurance, architectural compatibility

Hardware projects (accounts, layouts, application descriptions, operating and maintenance manuals)


Knowing the working environment, conditions and behaviors


1. Topographic Model

Terrain condition and geometry

topography, morphology

Coordinates, elevations

Pi (xi,yi,zi)


2. Layout Model

Layout status and geometry

Geographical situation (surface waters, flora, fauna), neighborhood relations, existing structures, infrastructure, protection areas, development plans (zoning status),

Land boundaries, study area

Pi (xi,yi,zi)


3. Geological Model

geological condition and geometry

Research boreholes, pits, trenches, galleries...

Lithology, structural features (strata, folds, faults, discontinuities, voids, etc.)

Contacts, ceiling and floor maps, sections, Pi (xi,yi,zi)

hydrogeological situation


4 Geomechanical-dynamic Model

Mechanical behaviors

Geomechanical parameters

Field and laboratory tests, resistance and strength parameters (c, Φ, E, ν, σb...)

Seismicity parameters

Determining the limits of change in behavior. Coordinated knowledge base

Pi (xi,yi,zi)

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