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Psychology at Work


If you would like to;

  • Select and develop better organizational leaders, 

  • Increase the motivation of your employees, Improving employees through fair remuneration, flexible working policies (family / work balance) and reduce discrimination in the workplace, 

  • Make the most of workforce diversity and globalization, 

  • Improve employee performance through the most appropriate management and development of talents, 

  • Develop collaborative team work, 

  • Make your employees embrace positive changes and help them to be more innovative

in your company  ...



Our "Psychology at Work" sevice
is just for you !

Our Services - Psychology at Work

Job  Analyses:

Systematic examination of the steps, duties, responsibilities, knowledge, skills and abilities required by a job

Evaluation of Employee Performance:

Evaluation of the employee's performance on the basis of predetermined organizational standards

Occupational  Training and Employee Development:

Training of employees both directly related to work and personal development, determining training needs for this purpose, organizing training programs

Employee Motivation:

Necessary managerial trainings, employee workshops, organizational arrangement

Communication in the Work Environment:

Communication regulations and personnel training, which are very important for effective organizational performance...

Collaborative Working and Group Processes:

Formation of working groups, training of personnel on teamwork, selection of personnel suitable for team roles, organizational arrangements that support teamwork...


Trainings, workshops are organized to select the leaders who will lead the group to achieve the goals and to train these leaders.

Influence, Power and Politics:

Influence, the use of informal social strategies to get someone else to do something; Power is the use of social relations to force another to take action despite resistance; Organizational Policy is the use of power to achieve selfish and self-serving purposes. Rules and personnel regarding the use of influence, power and politics  training

Organization;  Its Structure, Culture and Development:

The organizational structure regulates the positions and the relationships between them. Organizational culture refers to shared values, beliefs, and behavioral patterns in organizations. Designing and managing changes in structure and culture


Business Analysis

Performance Evaluations

Vocational Trainings



Group Processes


Influence, Power and Politics

Organizational Structure and Development

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