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Concrete Curing in Cold Weather Conditions
Thermos Method

Thermos Method

Thermos method; with the heat energy emerging during the hydration of the cement by preserving the heat energy given to heat the water and aggregate used in the construction of hot concrete,_cc781905-bbcbcde-3194- It is based on its use for curing. 

As soon as the concrete is placed in place, it must have heat energy that will meet the heat losses during the curing and enable it to gain the targeted strength during this period.


Concrete gains the desired strength in the time it takes until it cools.


The application of the thermos method;

geometry of the structure,

the type of cement used and the amount of hydration heat it will create,

the temperature of the concrete when it is placed in the mold,

wind speed,

the strength value that the concrete must gain within the specified time

should be taken into consideration. 

Thermos method can be used alone or together with other concrete curing methods.

In these methods called combined cure:

electrical preheating – thermos,

setting accelerating additives – thermos,

setting accelerator and frost resistance additives – thermos,

electrical preheating - setting accelerator and frost resistance additives - thermos

different combinations are used.

The insulation material on the outer surface of the mold where the concrete to be cured by the thermos method is placed must be water and windproof. In addition, there should not be a gap between the insulation material and the form where the wind can enter.


For temperature and strength values  the point in the middle of the cooling surface of the concrete and at a depth of 50 mm from the surface is taken as a basis. All measurements are made at this control point.


In the concrete curing to be made with the thermos method;

Determination of the cooling time of concrete protected with mold and insulation materials with known thermal conductivity coefficients and the strength value it will gain at the end of this period.



Determination of concrete protection materials (formwork, insulation, etc.) to provide the desired cooling time and the strength value at the end of this period.


The determination of the cooling time and the properties of the mold and insulation materials are made with the help of the heat balance equation. 

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